Patient Stories

Rare Views

Every patient is on a journey from diagnosis to managing and living with their disease every day. The Rare Views series, from Mallinckrodt’s Patient Engagement & Advocacy Team, provides patients’ perspectives about their journeys.

Please note that  Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals does not endorse any advocacy group. The advocacy groups featured may receive funding from Mallinckrodt through our charitable contributions, however they have not received any payment for these interviews. Patients are reminded to consult their healthcare practitioners for advice on medical treatment and related resources.


Click image to read Todd's story


Click image to read Maureen's storyA Patient Advocate Living with Scleroderma
 Click image to read Susan's story

Patient Stories

At Mallinckrodt, an essential part of our mission is to improve lives. That's why we're shining a spotlight on a few of our patients, their families, and their inspiring stories of courage and determination.


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Zia's Story

Unexpected Complications: A Mother Works With Doctors To Save Her Son

Read Zia's Story

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Joe's Story

Searching for a Solution: An Engineer Takes Corrective Action...On His Health!

Read Joe's Story

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Rose's Story

Draw Inspiration from Coworkers: Turn Fear into Resilience

Read Rose's Story

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Nicole's Story

Forced to Give Up a Dream: Fighting for Health, Rather than Her Country

Read Nicole's Story

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John's Story

Channeling Anger into Hope: A Father Deals with Disease at a Young Age

Read John's Story